BN Forum

Prosecution for garden Naturism. An attempt by the police and CPS to extend the law has been defeated.

This case was contested vigorously with neighbours appearing as witnesses complaining of nakedness in an adjoining rear garden observed by their child. A trampoline was used to overview a 6' fence and the nudity was observed from an upstairs window. The activities were painting a shed and sitting reading. This was all very similar to a previous case where the CPS had decided that they were unlikely to obtain a conviction.


Although people express their distress, often amplifying it to extreme lengths, as in this instance, a significant factor is any intention of the perpetrator to be seen and to inculcate fear. The law allows freedom of expression a fairly wide latitude so long as it doesn't involve violence or incite violence in followers.

The Judge warned that anyone reacting to nudity with violence will face prosecution themselves.

The Judge concluded that there was "No case to answer" and curtailed the trial, dismissing the case. 

