Everyone knows what a nudist is. Not everyone immediately recognises "naturist", many confusing it with naturalist, but in the UK every nudist prefers to be called a naturist.

There are finely-tuned definitions of naturist and nudist intended to show why we are naturists and they are nudists. Naturism is supposed to invoke the naturalness of nudity and its enjoyment in natural surroundings, the open air, fresh water, the sea. If you're indoors you're a nudist. The origins of naturism in the German FKK movement also adds a flavour of asceticism, lots of good outdoor exercise, natural food and no alcohol.

In reality, many of those who prefer the naturist designation are social nudists, sunbathing at a club, meeting at indoor swimming pools or going to BN's organised events (some of which are entirely indoors). The few who choose to spend most of their naked time exercising outdoors in wild places are often disowned by organised naturism (though this is now changing slowly).

In the USA, nudist is used without perjorative connotations.